An investment in art enhances the value of a company's assets, differentiates it from others, and enhances its image with its partners, employees, and customers.
The provisions of the law on sponsorship provides several advantages to companies and businesses subject to taxation.
Sponsorship allows them to obtain tax breaks if they exhibit on the premises works by living artists for five years.
The tax deduction amounts to 0.5% of its annual income. The company's financial department or its accounting firm can coordinate the program.
In France, works of art are defined as moveable assets with attractive taxation, as they are not subject to tax. This tax provision applies to paintings, drawings, gouaches, watercolors, lithographs, engravings, ceramics, and original sculptures.
Acquiring quality works of art signed by artists listed in France or around the world, allows you to combine pleasure with an advantageous approach to build and diversify assets, and prepare your estate provisions.