A passionate art dealer with 30 years’ expertise, Michel Estades loves sharing his knowledge and enthusiasm for his favourite artists. His 4 galleries permanently exhibit many 20th and 21st-century figurative artists, including the world’s greatest masters, masters from the Provencal and Lyon schools, modern and contemporary masters and a constant flow of talented new painters and sculptors.
Florence JACQUESSON was born in 1962 in Fontainebleau.
She graduated from the Duperré School of Applied Arts in Paris with a BTS in fashion design. Starting in 1980, she worked for ten years at Beretta and Carven.
In 1992, she decided to dedicate herself to her passion for animal sculpture.
A sustained and determined effort has placed her today among the most valued animal sculptors in France.
Florence challenges us by sculpting human emotions on these primates, the mirror of man. The sculpture inspires respect.
Probing or concerned, they invite us to reflect on the future of humanity. Chimpanzee, Bonobo, Orangutan, or Mandrill, Florence Jacquesson never tires of her subject.
Often, she creates apes with a pensive, questioning, or frightened look at the world that threatens them.
See the work of Sculptors and Monumental Art exhibited at the Estades Gallery